Why We Love Kayaking in St. Petersburg/ Tampa Florida & So Will You


Kayaking is a recreational activity people all over the world enjoy, so why kayak in St. Petersburg, Florida? Don’t worry we will tell you why we choose this spot as our top pick for a water-based wandering and after reading you will too. We sure wouldn’t want you to miss out on pristine beaches, unique wildlife, and tropical lagoons in St. Petersburg. 

Warm weather 

When Kayaking in Tampa and kayaking in St. Petersburg Florida you can safety assume the temperatures won’t hit freezing even in the dead of winter weather. In fact, a cold front in Florida is when the temperature goes below seventy degrees. In Florida if the weather isn’t seventy-five degrees or higher the locals bring out their parkas and scarves. Kayaking in colder temperatures can be dangerous, you always run in the risk of tipping over and suffering from hypothermia. But in the sunshine state this isn’t a concern. 

Dolphin & manatee sighting 

There are many other places in the world that offer manatee and dolphin sightings. Manatee viewing near Tampa, Florida  are common and visitors come from all over the country to see the ‘sea cows’. Dolphin sighting in St. Petersburg is also common. Don’t be surprised if you spot a dolphin or two on a kayak tour in St. Pete. These beloved wildlife animals enjoy Florida’s warmer temperatures. Which is why you will see more manatees in the winter as they swim towards warmer waters. 

Hub for seafood 

Seafood should only be consumed one day- fresh. In downtown St. Petersburg there are many different grub spots to enjoy a fresh catch of the day. Don’t miss out on tasty fish caught from along the coast of Florida. Crab, lobster, and scrimp are consumed and enjoyed in Tampa and St. Petersburg as a staple of local cuisine. Here are a few of our picks for top places to get seafood in St. Petersburg after a long day of kayaking; 

Secluded escape 

While busy town of St. Petersburg you might think it impossible to find seclusion and serenity in nature. However, St. Petersburg offers several secret spots perfect for escape the crowds of the city. Weedon Island Preserve offers kayak tours through the mangrove tunnels for anyone seeking solitude in nature or simply hoping to play in the great outdoors. Just be sure when visiting the island you are aware of the Weedon Island ides. During low tide the water is too low to explore the tunnels so be sure to go during high tide when kayaking at Weedon Island Nature Preserve. 

Island Discoveries 

Off the West Coast of Florida there are several untouched islands ready for explorations. One of our favorite islands for a private getaway are Caladesi and Honeymoon Island. These islands are near St Petersburg and Tampa. These islands offer sun-kissed beaches, nature at its purest, and clear waters you can spot dolphins and manatees at. 

Local activities in the area 

We love kayaking in St. Petersburg, Florida because we love the area. There are so many activities and things to do in St. Petersburg and Tampa. Not to mention Tampa is a hopping new spot younger adults are flocking to. More and more people are moving to Tampa, and the city is everchanging. If you have lived here thirty years, you have witnessed first-hand the unique growth of the town. Aside from kayaking there are food-based festivals,  lively concerts, and local activities every weekend. Just in the last few months Tampa will hosted the Veg Fest, Italian Food Festival, and a Bluegrass Festival all free for attendees to enjoy. 

St. Petersburg and Tampa have a lot to offer. We know we found a gem in terms of kayaking spots. If you still aren’t convinced get out on the water to go kayaking in St. Petersburg and see for yourself.

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