Health and Wellness

At peace with nature and herself
Empower yourself by getting outdoors!

Today, people are spending more time indoors than ever before in human history. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPS), the average American is spending 93% of their time inside or in an automobile.  This statistic is staggering, and it explains why the average American’s physical and mental health has been declining steadily in recent years. This trend is simply not sustainable and Americans need to be made aware of the benefits of spending time outdoors in nature. Here are the biggest benefits of spending time outdoors:

Reduce Your Stress Outdoors

Americans are more stressed than ever before. With hectic schedules and increased time spent in traffic, we are experiencing a stress crisis. In 2013, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) reported that one in six U.S. adults are taking psychiatric drugs to treat stress and depression.  

Being outdoors and spending time in nature offers a side affect free remedy for people dealing with stress. Just getting outdoors and taking a walk will dramatically lower your blood pressure and cortisol levels. One study even found that taking a walk through the forest was associated with decreased levels of anxiety. We encourage doing a kayak tour in St. Pete... but we are a little biased.

Increase Your Creativity and Productivity Outdoors

Everyone is always looking for the next great idea. If only there was a way to help you come up with the next Uber or Facebook. Well there is, and it is as simple as hiking up a mountain or kayaking in Weedon Island Preserve.  Many studies have reported that just being outside can increase your creativity by 50%. (add link)

It is no wonder Einstein would take long walks when trying to solve the biggest questions in the universe. Imagine what he could have accomplished if he had taken kayak tours instead!

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